Double (Jedi)Mind Trick all the way!

Mission flipping is awesome. I love it. I know that 99% of the time I'm fighting someone that has a very low chance of killing me, but I can't explain the adrenaline rush I get. I can only assume it's attributed to the fact that I'm in a T1 or T2 frigate going toe-to-toe with Geckos and Hobgoblins being controlled by a battleship. If you read Feyd's blog you'll see where he shows us examples of how the Jedi Mind Trick is used to secure kills on ignorant carebears. Prior to this I've acquired two kills in this method, but nothing quite like this...

I had already spent roughly an hour combat probing with no luck when I stumbled across a Dominix running level 4's. I warp in and immediately proceed to loot his wrecks while stumbling about like an innocent noob. I'm half paying attention as I pull out all the stops. I shoot at the nearest rat as I yellow-box the Dominix in an attempt to spook him with no luck. To my surprise I received a convo request from the pilot.

[ 2015.03.22 05:06:57 ] Faylee Freir > ?
[ 2015.03.22 05:07:32 ] Richard Syphers > what brings you to my area ??
[ 2015.03.22 05:07:41 ] Faylee Freir > loot
[ 2015.03.22 05:08:15 ] Faylee Freir > y
[ 2015.03.22 05:09:09 ] Richard Syphers > feel free to take the look.... just ask me next time
[ 2015.03.22 05:09:30 ] Faylee Freir > I dont need permission.
[ 2015.03.22 05:10:15 ] Richard Syphers > i say that because i dont know if you are going to be hostle to me or not
[ 2015.03.22 05:10:33 ] Faylee Freir > I am hostile tho
[ 2015.03.22 05:11:02 ] Faylee Freir > jus dnt shot cause I forgot to bring my hauler and I have 400m in cargo now
[ 2015.03.22 05:11:04 ] Richard Syphers > will you be hostle to me??
[ 2015.03.22 05:11:06 ] Faylee Freir > bit nervous
[ 2015.03.22 05:11:10 ] Faylee Freir > no
[ 2015.03.22 05:11:46 ] Richard Syphers > nervous... somewhat but not too much
[ 2015.03.22 05:12:05 ] Faylee Freir > no im saying i wuz nervous cause i have 400m in my cargo hld
[ 2015.03.22 05:12:09 ] Richard Syphers > i see you alot on the local channel
[ 2015.03.22 05:12:20 ] Richard Syphers > oh... okay

 I frequently get people asking me what I'm doing in their mission pocket. I can only think of one reason why someone would be in your mission pocket, looting wrecks and salvaging... At this point I prepare my mind for what I'm about to attempt.

[ 2015.03.22 05:13:10 ] Faylee Freir > you tank missions good
[ 2015.03.22 05:13:31 ] Richard Syphers > is that a question or a complement?
[ 2015.03.22 05:13:35 ] Faylee Freir > compliment
[ 2015.03.22 05:13:51 ] Richard Syphers > thank you
[ 2015.03.22 05:14:02 ] Faylee Freir > is sentry stuff fun
[ 2015.03.22 05:14:47 ] Richard Syphers > i do see a lot of you all that loot other people missions
[ 2015.03.22 05:15:00 ] Faylee Freir > well a lot of ppl leave wrecks to waste
[ 2015.03.22 05:16:12 ] Faylee Freir > give me 50m
[ 2015.03.22 05:17:37 ] Richard Syphers > that is true
[ 2015.03.22 05:18:03 ] Richard Syphers > do most people get pist that you do this??
[ 2015.03.22 05:18:17 ] Faylee Freir > fuck them
[ 2015.03.22 05:18:28 ] Richard Syphers > lol
[ 2015.03.22 05:18:45 ] Richard Syphers > but do most of them do?
[ 2015.03.22 05:18:50 ] Faylee Freir > i guess
[ 2015.03.22 05:19:31 ] Richard Syphers > well i am here to tell you that i am not
[ 2015.03.22 05:19:33 ] Richard Syphers > :)
[ 2015.03.22 05:19:43 ] Faylee Freir > I dont want to piss peopole
[ 2015.03.22 05:19:44 ] Faylee Freir > off
[ 2015.03.22 05:21:09 ] Richard Syphers > I was thinking about kind of partnership that we can form if you are down with that
[ 2015.03.22 05:21:17 ] Faylee Freir > whats that?
[ 2015.03.22 05:22:17 ] Richard Syphers > you can come in with a salvage ship anytime you like when i am doing missions and salvage my loot
[ 2015.03.22 05:22:36 ] Faylee Freir > Well I was really wanting to get into missions.
[ 2015.03.22 05:22:46 ] Richard Syphers > but just dont take my mission items  lol
[ 2015.03.22 05:22:50 ] Faylee Freir > I don't make much from doing this.
[ 2015.03.22 05:23:20 ] Faylee Freir > I was wanting to get into l3 missions
[ 2015.03.22 05:23:23 ] Richard Syphers > oh then we can run missions together if you would like
[ 2015.03.22 05:23:30 ] Faylee Freir > but don't know if my tank can handle it
[ 2015.03.22 05:23:48 ] Faylee Freir > I have this thing fit up for missions tho but I'm scared. Last time I tried I lost like 4 ships trying.
[ 2015.03.22 05:24:12 ] Richard Syphers > wow  sorry about that
[ 2015.03.22 05:24:21 ] Faylee Freir > but I changed it since then
[ 2015.03.22 05:25:14 ] Richard Syphers > well lvl 4s kinda require a BS
[ 2015.03.22 05:25:21 ] Richard Syphers > can you fly those
[ 2015.03.22 05:25:21 ] Faylee Freir > think you could help me with the tank? Your drones have good tracking and will be comparable to a mission dps. If we duel and you just fire 2-3 at me from drones
[ 2015.03.22 05:25:29 ] Faylee Freir > I could see if it's good tank
[ 2015.03.22 05:25:44 ] Faylee Freir > just dont shoot more than 4-5 or I will prob die
[ 2015.03.22 05:26:19 ] Faylee Freir > I could even tip you 4 helpn
[ 2015.03.22 05:26:25 ] Faylee Freir > then we could run mission
[ 2015.03.22 05:27:09 ] Richard Syphers > sure
[ 2015.03.22 05:27:29 ] Faylee Freir > remember just 2-3 shots
[ 2015.03.22 05:27:34 ] Faylee Freir > or I will die with 4-5 shots

 The mind trick really isn't difficult to pull off. I always try to present myself in a manner in which I appear to be weak or helpless. Sure, he's going to allow me to shoot at him but surely a weak pilot in a frigate doesn't pose any kind of threat. I send the duel request and he accepts! The plot thickens...

[ 2015.03.22 05:28:19 ] Faylee Freir > 50m and you go free
[ 2015.03.22 05:28:43 ] Richard Syphers > go
[ 2015.03.22 05:28:53 ] Richard Syphers > thats 3 shots right there
[ 2015.03.22 05:29:18 ] Faylee Freir > 50m and you go free
[ 2015.03.22 05:29:22 ] Richard Syphers > or i can just kill you
[ 2015.03.22 05:30:13 ] Richard Syphers > sir.... you cant brake my cap or tank

 I rep through his drone damage while eating cap boosters like candy. I start working on his drones and I can tell he at least has a quarter of a brain because he's reeling his drones in and out as I apply damage on them. I call on the alliance for someone to bring some cap transfer so I can perma-run my neut without worrying about it. I start considering my options as I realize that even with my small neut, I can't break his tank. I continue to buy time by ransoming him while I think of who I could ask for help.

[ 2015.03.22 05:31:05 ] Faylee Freir > 50m
[ 2015.03.22 05:32:23 ] Faylee Freir > 50m
[ 2015.03.22 05:33:25 ] Richard Syphers > i only have 8 mil
[ 2015.03.22 05:33:33 ] Faylee Freir > what do you have in assets?
[ 2015.03.22 05:34:13 ] Richard Syphers > Zainou 'Gnome' Weapon Upgrades WU-1003  Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-903 trade
[ 2015.03.22 05:34:33 ] Faylee Freir > thats it?
[ 2015.03.22 05:34:45 ] Richard Syphers > i have about 2.7 mil in cargo
[ 2015.03.22 05:35:37 ] Richard Syphers > Zor's Custom Navigation Link in station
[ 2015.03.22 05:35:52 ] Richard Syphers > Richard Syphers's Iteron Mark V in station
[ 2015.03.22 05:36:16 ] Richard Syphers > Federation Navy Ogre
[ 2015.03.22 05:36:30 ] Richard Syphers > x2
[ 2015.03.22 05:36:59 ] Faylee Freir > contract me  Zor's Custom Navigation Link  Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-903 and the  Federation Navy Ogre
[ 2015.03.22 05:41:47 ] Richard Syphers > there you go
[ 2015.03.22 05:42:10 ] Faylee Freir > The other implants too
[ 2015.03.22 05:42:15 ] Faylee Freir > and the other ogre
[ 2015.03.22 05:43:43 ] Richard Syphers > there
[ 2015.03.22 05:45:19 ] Faylee Freir > You didn't sent the other implants
[ 2015.03.22 05:45:28 ] Richard Syphers > i did
[ 2015.03.22 05:45:35 ] Faylee Freir > not all
[ 2015.03.22 05:46:59 ] Richard Syphers > the other implant is in another system
[ 2015.03.22 05:47:06 ] Richard Syphers > it is still contracted to you
[ 2015.03.22 05:47:11 ] Faylee Freir > you can still contract it
[ 2015.03.22 05:47:19 ] Richard Syphers > i just did
[ 2015.03.22 05:47:34 ] Faylee Freir > Is that all you have?
[ 2015.03.22 05:47:53 ] Richard Syphers > pretty much bro
[ 2015.03.22 05:48:07 ] Faylee Freir > pretty much bro, or yes that's all I have?
[ 2015.03.22 05:48:13 ] Richard Syphers > [Multiple Items]  Federation Navy Ogre  Zainou 'Gnome' Shield Operation SP-903
[ 2015.03.22 05:48:22 ] Richard Syphers > its all i have
[ 2015.03.22 05:48:33 ] Faylee Freir > even in jita?
[ 2015.03.22 05:48:36 ] Faylee Freir > What about on other alts?
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:01 ] Richard Syphers > alt has nothing and i cant go to jita
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:06 ] Richard Syphers > standing to low
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:10 ] Faylee Freir > You can contract them from here.
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:11 ] Richard Syphers > cant even shop there
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:15 ] Faylee Freir > oh
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:19 ] Faylee Freir > What about LP?
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:22 ] Faylee Freir > from missions
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:44 ] Richard Syphers > spent them all and need isk to get the items they sell
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:51 ] Richard Syphers > dont have nothing
[ 2015.03.22 05:49:54 ] Faylee Freir > anything on market?
[ 2015.03.22 05:50:02 ] Richard Syphers > nope
[ 2015.03.22 05:51:03 ] Richard Syphers > you done?
[ 2015.03.22 05:51:14 ] Faylee Freir > contract didn't go through
[ 2015.03.22 05:51:21 ] Richard Syphers > why
[ 2015.03.22 05:51:33 ] Faylee Freir > Take a screenshot of your wallet.
[ 2015.03.22 05:51:38 ] Faylee Freir > and your assets
[ 2015.03.22 06:00:57 ] Faylee Freir > Or if you want to get out of your dominix I will let your pod go.
[ 2015.03.22 06:01:30 ] Richard Syphers > i dont trust you anymore
[ 2015.03.22 06:01:41 ] Richard Syphers > so you cant take the contract?
[ 2015.03.22 06:01:47 ] Faylee Freir > No it didn't work
[ 2015.03.22 06:01:50 ] Faylee Freir > I swear
[ 2015.03.22 06:02:35 ] Faylee Freir > I'll recall my drones
[ 2015.03.22 06:03:22 ] Richard Syphers > it shows that the contract has been completed
[ 2015.03.22 06:03:27 ] Faylee Freir > was it?
[ 2015.03.22 06:03:35 ] Richard Syphers > all 3
[ 2015.03.22 06:04:04 ] Richard Syphers > this is getting redundant man
[ 2015.03.22 06:04:26 ] Faylee Freir > I'm telling you. I will contract what I have back. Leave the domi and your pod goes free.
[ 2015.03.22 06:05:18 ] Richard Syphers > no can do
[ 2015.03.22 06:05:25 ] Faylee Freir > I will contract half of it to you now
[ 2015.03.22 06:05:32 ] Faylee Freir > k?
[ 2015.03.22 06:07:07 ] Richard Syphers > i dont see anything
[ 2015.03.22 06:07:12 ] Faylee Freir > Do you agree?
[ 2015.03.22 06:07:21 ] Richard Syphers > with what?
[ 2015.03.22 06:07:42 ] Faylee Freir > I contract half back to you, you get out of domi and warp your pod out, then I contract you the rest.
[ 2015.03.22 06:08:16 ] Richard Syphers > dude im not giving up my domi
[ 2015.03.22 06:08:27 ] Faylee Freir > You will, one way or another.
[ 2015.03.22 06:09:10 ] Faylee Freir > You do as I say or you will lose it anyway.
[ 2015.03.22 06:09:36 ] Faylee Freir > I'm trying to be reasonable. I don't want to pop the ship.
[ 2015.03.22 06:09:44 ] Faylee Freir > It's a nice ship and does missions well..
[ 2015.03.22 06:15:08 ] Faylee Freir > eject and this will stop.
[ 2015.03.22 06:22:00 ] Faylee Freir > going to eject?
[ 2015.03.22 06:22:06 ] Faylee Freir > I have literally all day.
[ 2015.03.22 06:57:20 ] Faylee Freir > alright
[ 2015.03.22 06:57:35 ] Faylee Freir > contract me the rest of your assets

Luckily around this time Cyclo Hexanol hops up in comms and I immediately tell him what I have going on. I tell him that we're going to try another Jedi Mind Trick and prepare him for what he's going to say to Richard. Cyclo fits up a Gnosis with all the sexy neuting goodness and says he's on his way. I'm not sure why, but Richard has stopped all dps and is just slowboating away from the beacon (we're now 400km away). I guess I had a complete brain fart because Cyclo informed me that his corp was currently at war with Space Warriors. I mentally dick-slap myself as I scramble to get in their public channel.

[ 2015.03.22 06:33:16 ] Faylee Freir > o/
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:19 ] Faylee Freir > We have a WT tackled
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:20 ] Faylee Freir > mission flip
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:22 ] Cyclo Hexanol > o/
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:25 ] Faylee Freir > Richard Syphers
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:32 ] Faylee Freir > in a domi
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:50 ] Kat Smalls > oh?
[ 2015.03.22 06:33:53 ] Faylee Freir > oh is right
[ 2015.03.22 06:34:28 ] Faylee Freir >
[ 2015.03.22 06:34:54 ] Faylee Freir > in a mission pocket in Aunia
[ 2015.03.22 06:35:03 ] Kat Smalls > well it looks like hie's going down already
[ 2015.03.22 06:35:09 ] Faylee Freir > nope
[ 2015.03.22 06:35:11 ] Faylee Freir > cap stable
[ 2015.03.22 06:35:21 ] Faylee Freir > going to try and trick him to accepting a duel from Cyclo
[ 2015.03.22 06:35:28 ] Cyclo Hexanol > :)
[ 2015.03.22 06:35:32 ] Faylee Freir > but otherwise he's stuck till DT and I can't do dick
[ 2015.03.22 06:36:30 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Can you guys bring a neut ship?
[ 2015.03.22 06:36:43 ] Faylee Freir > or just more dps
[ 2015.03.22 06:38:56 ] Terminus Wrex > its pretty far from us
[ 2015.03.22 06:39:02 ] Faylee Freir > np, we'll try.
[ 2015.03.22 06:39:20 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Ceptor? I mean... whore a domi mail

I'm actually shocked. I don't know about  you, dear reader, but if someone comes to me presenting a wartarget in a Domi... I'm going to get my ass in gear. Cyclo informs me that he's started his attempt and I await patiently.

[ 2015.03.22 06:34:15 ] Cyclo Hexanol > thanks
[ 2015.03.22 06:34:35 ] Cyclo Hexanol > 4 jumps
[ 2015.03.22 06:34:42 ] Richard Syphers > Augoror is back
[ 2015.03.22 06:36:35 ] Richard Syphers > i am 50 km from beacon
[ 2015.03.22 06:38:21 ] Cyclo Hexanol > im here
[ 2015.03.22 06:39:55 ] Richard Syphers > thanks
[ 2015.03.22 06:40:32 ] Richard Syphers > trying to spam the docking key so if it misses the cycle i can just warp out
[ 2015.03.22 06:43:02 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Im slowly gettirng there but there is a problem
[ 2015.03.22 06:43:12 ] Richard Syphers > what
[ 2015.03.22 06:43:51 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Faylee is no longer suspect.
[ 2015.03.22 06:43:52 ] Richard Syphers > should i go to you
[ 2015.03.22 06:44:32 ] Cyclo Hexanol > We might be able to make this work.
[ 2015.03.22 06:44:58 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Do you know much about limited engagements?
[ 2015.03.22 06:45:23 ] Richard Syphers > no  not much into pvp
[ 2015.03.22 06:45:29 ] Cyclo Hexanol > MMK
[ 2015.03.22 06:46:03 ] Cyclo Hexanol > So basically limited engagements work like a web and you can extend an engagement you are in to others if they are invited to the engagament
[ 2015.03.22 06:46:31 ] Cyclo Hexanol > make sense?
[ 2015.03.22 06:46:52 ] Richard Syphers > what are you saying
[ 2015.03.22 06:47:08 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Im saying I need to get into the engagement.
[ 2015.03.22 06:47:20 ] Cyclo Hexanol > I can kill that frigate.
[ 2015.03.22 06:47:33 ] Richard Syphers > and me too
[ 2015.03.22 06:48:20 ] Cyclo Hexanol > I have no reason to. This member has been causing diplomacy issues for a month now
[ 2015.03.22 06:48:24 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Total drama llama
[ 2015.03.22 06:48:54 ] Cyclo Hexanol > He has also been scamming and I dont fly like that. My alliances name has been tarnised and needs to be made better
[ 2015.03.22 06:53:22 ] Cyclo Hexanol > You still there?
[ 2015.03.22 06:54:40 ] Richard Syphers > how can i trust you
[ 2015.03.22 06:55:39 ] Cyclo Hexanol > I have no reason to lie. I am an honest pvper. I want this guy out of my corp. Also once this is over with if he has scammed you yet I will give you your money back. I just need to know he isnt trying to scam me with this situation
[ 2015.03.22 06:56:01 ] Cyclo Hexanol > But honestly.... I need to get some food and take a shower so time is important.
[ 2015.03.22 06:56:19 ] Richard Syphers > fine  faith
[ 2015.03.22 06:57:15 ] Cyclo Hexanol > Misplaced faith

I hardly have time to realize what the hell actually just happened as Cyclo lands point on the Dominix and we both proceed to chew away at his armor. In a blink of an eye we relieve Richard of his Dominix and his pod.

I quickly pull up the killmail from my notifications tray and I have an aneurysm...

[ 2015.03.22 06:57:40 ] Faylee Freir > I told you you were going to die.

Flip success! Not only did I murder this carebear with the elusive Double Mind Trick, but he paid me for it as well!


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